Cropper 2.1

Cropper 2.1 is a widget to add cropping by zoom, pan, and rotation to any application. The cropping area is set by dragging the image 'under' the widget. Zooming and rotating can be adjusted by sliders. Cropper 2.1 should work in any modern browser. Double-clicking the image will center it. Double-clicking the sliders resets them.

Cropper 2.1 is different from version 1.0. While the first version was dependent on jQuery, Cropper 2.1 is not. Also, the API has changed considerably. You can now drag-and-drop image files onto the widget.

Compared to Cropper 2.0, Cropper 2.1 adds rotation of the image.

You can see Cropper 2.1 in action here.

Here is Cropper 2.1's GitHub page.


Install Cropper 2.1 with npm:

npm i @sjaakp/cropper

You can also manually install Cropper 2.1 by downloading the source in ZIP-format.


Cropper 2.1 has no dependencies.


Load resources

At the end of the body part of the HTML-page, load the Cropper 2.1 code from the dist directory of this depository:

<script src="dist/cropper.js"></script>

Load from CDN

You may also load the Cropper 2.1 file from a content distribution network (CDN), like so:

<script src=""></script>


Cropper 2.1 creates itself around an HTML <input> of the file-type, most probably inside an HTML <form>. The <input> should have a name, as is common for <form> elements, and, optionally, an id. It would be wise to also set accept="image/*".

The HTML could look something like:

    <head> ... </head>
        ... other stuff ...
            ... other form elements ...
            <input type="file" id="crop1" name="image" accept="image/*">
            ... more form elements ...
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>
        ... more stuff ...
        <script src="dist/cropper.js"></script>

Initializing Cropper 2.1 is as simple as:


The function cropper() returns an array of Cropper 2.1 instances on the page. In almost all cases this will be just one Cropper 2.1, but you can have more.

If you want to access a single Cropper 2.1 instance you could store it like this:

    window.myCropper = cropper()[0];

You can also access a Cropper 2.1 through the cropper property of the file <input>.

Loading an image

After set-up, an image can be loaded in Cropper 2.1 in four ways. Firstly, it can be drag-and-dropped directly. Secondly, you can select an image after pressing the 'Choose Ímage'-button.

Programmatically, it can be loaded like so:


Or, through the associated file <input>:


Where src can be anything that can be src of an HTML img. So, to load a picture of Newton, the code might be:


If src is false Cropper 2.1 will be emptied. The 'Empty Cropper' button does the same.

Getting crop information

Cropper 2.1 creates an extra hidden <input>. This is permanently updated with a JSON representation of the crop information. The hidden <input>'s name is derived from the name of the associated file <input> by adding "_data" to it. A Cropper 2.1 created around a file <input> named "image" will have a hidden <input> named "image_data". (If the associated file <input> doesn't have a name, the hidden <input> wille be named "cropper_data".)

The value of the hidden <input> is a JSON-representation of the following plain object:

    aspect: ...		// the current aspect ratio
    angle: ...	        // the rotation in radians
    degrees: ...	// same in degrees
    x: ...		// left position of the cropped area
    y: ...		// top position of the cropped area
    w: ...		// width of the cropped area
    y: ...		// height of the cropped area

Example value:


The crop dimensions are all in pixels. Positive angles are counter-clockwise. All the members of data are floats (with an almost ridiculous precision). Keep that in mind when processing them.


Options are set by setting data-* attribute(s) on the associated <input> element, for instance:

<input type="file" name="image" accept="image/*" data-aspect="portrait">

You can also set options with a plain object as the second parameter of the initialization function. Leave out the data- part of the option name. Example:

    cropper({}, { aspect: 'portrait' });


A value describing the dimensions of the cropped area, i.e. width / height ratio. A square cropped area will have data-aspect="square", while a portrait layout may have data-aspect=".75". Default is 1.

The value can be a float between 0.2 and 5.0, or one of the following strings:

  • 'tower' equivalent to 0.429, 9:21
  • 'high' equivalent to 0.563, 9:16
  • 'phi_portrait' equivalent to 0.618, 1:φ, golden ratio
  • 'din_portrait' equivalent to 0.707, 1:√2, DIN/ISO 216 paper sizes
  • 'portrait' equivalent to 0.75, 3:4
  • 'square' equivalent to 1.0, 1:1
  • 'landscape' equivalent to 1.333, 4:3
  • 'din_landscape' equivalent to 1.414, √2:1
  • 'phi_landscape' equivalent to 1.618, φ:1
  • 'wide' equivalent to 1.718, 16:9
  • 'cinema' equivalent to 2.333, 21:9

There exist lots and lots of other aspect ratios


The width of Cropper 2.1's area margin, in pixels. Default is 40.


The diagonal of the cropping area, in pixels. If data-aspect changes, both width and height of the cropping area change, but the diagonal is constant. Default: 300.


The maximum rotation Cropper 2.1 will allow in degrees. A float value between 0.0 and 90.0. If data-maxRotation is zero, no rotation slider is rendered. Default: 30.0.


The maximum zoom Cropper 2.1 will allow. A float value between 2.0 and 10.0. Default: 4.0.



Whenever something changes, Cropper 2.1 fires the cropperchange event. The detail property of the Event object contains crop information:

    aspect: ...		// the current aspect ratio
    angle: ...	        // the rotation in radians
    degrees: ...	// same in degrees
    x: ...		// left position of the cropped area
    y: ...		// top position of the cropped area
    w: ...		// width of the cropped area
    y: ...		// height of the cropped area


Cropper 2.1 displays some text messages in English. These can be adapted by providing a plain object with translated messages as the first parameter of the initialization function. For instance, to translate the messages into Dutch, initialize Cropper 2.1 like this:

        choose: "Kies een afbeelding...",
        empty: "Maak leeg",
        drop: "Sleep afbeelding hierheen",
        zoom: "Zoom",
        angle: "Hoek"
    }, { ...options... });


Some aspects of Cropper 2.1's appearance can be adapted by setting CSS custom properties inside the ruleset for the class of Cropper 2.1's surrounding <div>: .cropper-wrap (or, of course, any DOM-element higher in the cascade).

The properties, together with their default value:

  • --cropper-border-color, default: ButtonBorder
  • --cropper-border-width, default: 2px
  • --cropper-border-radius, default: .4em
  • --cropper-gap, default: .6em
  • --cropper-drop, default: GrayText
  • --cropper-drop-text, default: Canvas
  • --cropper-gray, default: GrayText
  • --cropper-button, default: ButtonText
  • --cropper-range, default: SelectedItem

Source and download on GitHub